This application is still being actively developed and has not yet been properly tested.
Play with it if you like, but don't put in any serious money.

Create a secret, make a copy of it and keep it safe.


Connect to RunKeeper

Connect to RunKeeper

We need the athlete to connect to provide permission to check whether you reach your goal.
You can skip this step if you are are not the person you want to track, but that person will need to provide permission for us to confirm that they have reached their goal.

You are connected as .

You can disconnect from the settings page at runkeeper.com.
However, if you disconnect, we will no longer be able to confirm that you have reached your goal.


Make a pact

Test network


ImportLoad pacts


Claim winning funds Transfer funds

Funds Athlete Activity Goal Deadline Charity View

View a pact Loading... You do not have either key for this pact. You get paid if you make it. You get a donation if they fail. The key should be issued soon. You made it! They missed their goal, you get a donation! You lose. They made it, no donation this time.

0 paid so far